Yet, feel like my bladder is never empty.
We call this overactive bladder. This is, assuming, any medical condition has been ruled out such as a UTI or bladder infection. If you go to a medical doctor for this, they will likely give you a medication. Often that medication will make you constipated. Then you will take more medication for your constipation, and the cycle continues. It continues because the root cause of the problem was never addressed. Medications rarely get to the root cause of the problem, they just help fix the problem in some other way, but often that causes another problem.
The body was made as a whole unit where all the parts work together. When we medicate one thing there is often a consequence in another part of the body.
Overactive bladder is more often caused by tight pelvic floor muscles than by weak pelvic floor muscles. Kegels usually aren't the answer to the problem. Try them, but if they don't fix the problem then see a pelvic floor therapist who can properly assess your pelvic floor muscles and give you strategies to help.
The bladder is like a water balloon. If the muscles around the bladder are tight they won't let the balloon (bladder) fill up as much as relaxed muscles will, so your bladder will not be able to hold as much urine causing you to have to pee more frequently.
Here's some things to think about that may help:
How often are you going to the bathroom?
Are you going, then feel like you aren't quite empty and have to go again within 10 minutes?
Does this happen often or just when you are about to go out? Or just during exercise?
How much water are you drinking?
How frequently are you drinking water? Are you drinking a lot of water but all at once? Or are you sipping water throughout the day?
What other beverages are you drinking?
What medications are you taking?
These are some things you can start to think about and assess. To help overactive bladder we need to assess the pelvic floor muscles and what and how you are drinking throughout the day. A pelvic floor therapist can help you figure out the cause of your frequent urination.