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Carri Dominick
Jan 28, 20212 min read
What is Postpartum Rehab?
Many birthing people have never heard of postpartum rehab, so what is it? Postpartum rehab is physical therapy for those who have given...
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Carri Dominick
Nov 18, 20202 min read
What Can I Do For My Prolapse?
Prolapse can sound scary and the pictures and stories you may find on the internet can be scary. First of all, know it is common and...
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Carri Dominick
Nov 4, 20201 min read
At Home Strength Training
We have created an at home strength training program just for you! This is designed for new moms, old moms and non moms alike! It is 40+...
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Carri Dominick
Nov 3, 20201 min read
De-stress Stretches
Hi. I hope you are managing your election anxiety ok. Here are some stretches you can do to relieve neck, back and pelvic floor tension....
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Carri Dominick
Oct 30, 20202 min read
Online C-section Recovery Course
If you have birthed a child in the USA you know postpartum care here is minimal. One 6 week check up with the ob/gyn that probably lasts...
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Carri Dominick
Oct 26, 20202 min read
Sex With Prolapse
I get these question a lot. Can I have sex with a prolapse? Will sex make the prolapse worse? Will my partner feel the prolapse? Will the...
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Carri Dominick
Oct 19, 20201 min read
Common Causes of Prolapse
Prolapse can sound scary and the pictures you might find on the internet also can be incredibly scary. I've also heard a lot of women...
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Carri Dominick
Sep 28, 20201 min read
Homemade Weights
Since gyms have been closed in my area (LA county) for months it has been difficult and expensive to buy any kind of exercise equipment....
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Carri Dominick
Sep 21, 20203 min read
What Happens in a Prenatal Pelvic Floor Therapy Session
You may wonder, why do I need to go to pelvic floor therapy while I'm pregnant? I don't have any pelvic floor issues. Why have a...
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Carri Dominick
Sep 14, 20202 min read
The Recharge Therapy Difference
These are my rehab exercises for my back pain. Ankle strengthening, but my pain was in my back. So why ankle exercises? This is the...
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Carri Dominick
Sep 7, 20202 min read
How much water should I drink in a day?
The answer is: it depends. The general guidelines are 60-80 oz per day, but guess what?There is no science behind that answer. It is...
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Carri Dominick
Aug 31, 20202 min read
Why am I Constantly Running to the Bathroom?
Yet, feel like my bladder is never empty. We call this overactive bladder. This is, assuming, any medical condition has been ruled out...
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Carri Dominick
Aug 24, 20201 min read
Estrogen Hormone Replacement Safety Updates (It's Good News!)
Science is good. Good science is really good. There is a new study that was just published looking at the long term effects of estrogen...
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Carri Dominick
Aug 17, 20202 min read
3 Times Kegels May Not Be the Right Thing to Do.
Kegels. That is all people generally hear about the pelvic floor muscles. I want to share a few times when kegels are NOT appropriate....
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Carri Dominick
Aug 10, 20201 min read
Pelvic Floor Muscle Anatomy Lesson
Today's blog is actually a vlog. In this video I explain pelvic floor muscle anatomy and function and how that relates to kegels,...
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Carri Dominick
Aug 3, 20202 min read
Postpartum Return to Running Guidelines
For many of my clients who are runners, after pregnancy they can't wait to get back to running. At least that is what they say, and it is...
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Carri Dominick
Jul 27, 20202 min read
Support Belts for Hip and Back Pain During Pregnancy
Often during pregnancy the lower back and hips can become achy and painful. This is due to a few factors. Obviously the growing weight...
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Carri Dominick
Jul 20, 20202 min read
Pubic Symphysis Dysfunction
Pubic symphysis dysfunction is another type of pelvic pain that is at or near the pubic bone. I see this often in pregnancy and early...
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Carri Dominick
Jul 13, 20202 min read
Online Resources for Pregnancy and Postpartum
Preparing for the birth of a child is one of the most exciting times in life! It can also come with a lot of anxiety and unknowns for...
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Carri Dominick
Jul 7, 20201 min read
3 FREE Resources For You
I have 3 free e-books that I have written to help start you on a path to feeling better. The first is for pelvic pain. This is the most...
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